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Showing Tag: "liberals" (Show all posts)

Sarah Palin: Obama Broke Up With You. Really. Totally Unfriended You...

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, August 16, 2013, In : Bristol Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

Obama Broke Up With You. Really. Totally Unfriended You...

Bristol's spot on. Young Americans better get their heads out of the sand and realize what this president stands for. It's no longer a partisan problem. This comes down to either being pro-America or not. And if you can't take a stand for liberty, what DO you stand for? Obama supporters: keep it up and watch America go to hell in a hand basket while you try to sleep at night realizing our v...

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Sarah Palin: Last Frontier Women Don’t Tolerate Misogynists

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, March 24, 2012, In : Sarah Palin 
From Governor Palin's Facebook post:
Two fellow Alaskan women, Kirsten Powers and Penny Lee, penned a letter to the New York Times calling out misogynist attacks on women in public life.

They included this interesting aside: “Coincidentally we both hail from Alaska — where women are treated as equals — so perhaps our threshold for this kind of behavior is less than here in the Lower 48.”

As an Alaskan woman, I completely agree. Women up here do not tolerate the sexist stereotyp...

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Sarah Palin: Mark Levin’s “Ameritopia” Explains How We Got In the Mess We’re In

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, March 16, 2012, In : Sarah Palin 

Please click here to listen to Mark Levin’s excellent comments at the Reagan Library last week about his great new book “Ameritopia.” His wisdom is needed now more than ever.


Consider, for example, the news today about the Congressional Budget Office’s report on Obamacare. Remember when President Obama promised us that under Obamacare if you like your current health care coverage you can keep it? Well, that turns out to be another “you lie” moment. According to the CBO’s ...

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Posted by Kal Vernon on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, In : Elections 

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