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Showing Tag: "amazing america" (Show all posts)

Sarah Palin: Amazing America Starts Tomorrow

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, April 3, 2014, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

Red, Wild and Blue America starts its celebration tomorrow night! The great American spirit will shine through the inspiring and entertaining stories we'll bring you each week. Together we're going to live life vibrantly! We'll highlight our national heritage and pastimes, a free country with wide-open spaces, self-reliance and community service. protecting and conserving the homeland and our great outdoors. Come with us, starting tomorrow night!
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Sarah Palin: "Amazing America" premieres on our Red Wild & Blue Sportsman Channel on April 3rd!

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, March 28, 2014, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

Enjoy the original theme song for the new show "Amazing America" by Madison Rising:
"Amazing America" premieres on our Red Wild & Blue Sportsman Channel on April 3rd! Some of you might also remember Madison Rising from their awesome version of the Star Spangled Banner that I posted to Facebook some months back (listen here: ). They're a great band, and I'm thrilled to have their song as the theme t...

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