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Showing Tag: "alaska primary" (Show all posts)

Alaska Primary Early Voting

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, August 6, 2012, In : Elections 
  The Alaska primary for state and congressional offices will be held on August 28.  Alaska voters may vote early beginning on August 13.  Alaska early voting locations may be found here.  Be sure to get out and vote for the best conservatives in each race

Alaska elections

Alaska primary candidates

Alaska early voting locations

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Voter Registration Deadline For Alaska Primary

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, July 22, 2012, In : Elections 
     August 28 is the date for the state and congressional primary in Alaska.  Any Alaska residents who need to register to vote before this primary must do so before the deadline on July 29.  Go here for a list of primary candidates.  Visit the links below for more information.

Alaska elections

Alaska voter registration

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