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Showing Tag: "2016" (Show all posts)

The Christie Files

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, September 25, 2013, In : Elections 
Months ago I added a page to my website with articles showing why Jeb Bush should not be the GOP nominee in 2016.  With the growing chorus in the GOP Establishment supporting Christie for President I have now also added The Christie Files.  We must not allow another northeastern liberal to be the republican nominee for President in 2016.  Complain all you want, but millions of voters stayed home rather than vote for Mitt Romney.  There will surely be far more staying home if Christie or J...
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Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, August 14, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
The National Coalition in Support of Sarah Palin, a group on Facebook has started a petition to encourage Sarah Palin to run for President in 2016 -

For the 2016 presidential election, it does make a difference who we send to Washington to clean up our big, out-of-control government. Governor Sarah Palin is a proven reformer with a track record of fighting corruption and balancing the budget. She is a fierce defender of the Second Amendment and a faithful adherent to the Constitution. Pl...

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The Jeb Bush Files

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, March 20, 2013,
     Here at the beginning of 2013, we in the conservative movement are now fighting for the heart and soul of the Republican Party against the Establishment moderates who are now in control.  Although they had their chosen candidate and he went down to defeat, we should expect them to use the same tactics leading up to and during the campaign for President in 2016.  The GOP Establishment pundits are already at work attacking Sarah Palin and other conservatives in an effort to get yet an...
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