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Showing Tag: ""ted yoho"" (Show all posts)

Sarah Palin: Ted Yoho for FL-3

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, August 24, 2012, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
Dr. Ted Yoho isn’t afraid of hard work. To put himself through college and veterinary school he worked nights in a vegetable packing house and summers in construction. After graduating, he started and grew his own successful business. Yes, President Obama, Ted built that himself.

Tired of watching career politicians spend us into debt and tax us to death, Ted decided to run fo
r Congress in Florida’s new 3rd Congressional District. No stranger to...

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Sarah Palin Endorses Ted Yoho for Congress

Posted by Kal Vernon on Tuesday, August 21, 2012, In : Elections 
    Sarah Palin has endorsed Ted Yoho for Congress in the race for Florida's third district.
“Dr. Ted Yoho isn’t afraid of hard work. To put himself through college and veterinary school he worked nights in a vegetable packing house and summers in construction. After graduating, he started and grew his own successful business. Yes, President Obama, Ted built that himself.
“Tired of watching career politicians spend us into debt and tax us to death, Ted decided to run for Congres...

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