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Showing Tag: ""good tidings and great joy" "book tour" kansas" (Show all posts)

Sarah Palin: Shout out to Kevin Keller and his son Justin

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, November 22, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
Shout out to Kevin Keller and his son Justin (see photo) from last night in Kansas! Justin made a cool patriotic bracelet for Piper, she loved it! Then Kevin wrote a comment on my Facebook page: "Justin was so proud Piper wore the bracelet he made her. I try to teach him to do something nice for some one every day." Well thank you both so much, and we hope you enjoy fishing in Alaska soon! — in Kansas City, KS.

 Photo: Shout out to Kevin Keller and his son Justin (see photo) from last night in Kansas! Justin made a cool patriotic bracelet for Piper, she loved it! Then Kevin wrote a comment on my Facebook page: "Justin was so proud Piper wore the bracelet he made her. I try to teach him to do something nice for some one every day." Well thank you both so much, and we hope you enjoy fishing in Alaska soon!
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Sarah Palin: New and old friends gathered in Kansas tonight

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, November 22, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
New and old friends gathered in Kansas tonight – including Robert and Shirley Hemenway (see them in photo) whose son Ron worked for the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon when he was killed on September 11, 2001. Ron graduated from Wasilla High School with Todd and me, and he was a wonderful young man from a proud and selfless Alaskan family. Ron will never be forgotten. It’s remembering 9/11 that makes us appreciate sacrifices made for our...

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