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Showing Tag: ""game change"" (Show all posts)

Statement on Game Change

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, In : Sarah Palin 
From SarahPac:
Despite HBO's best efforts, we have all seen the movie Game Change. We stand by everything we previously said on the record. The movie is at best "historical fiction" - historical only in that Sarah Palin was nominated and campaigned for the office of Vice President. The movie is a series of scenes where the dialogue, locations and participants are invented or rendered unrecognizable for dramatic effect. HBO and its surrogates continue to argue that they spoke to 25 so...

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McCain: Game Change Book 'Totally Untrue'

Posted by Kal Vernon on Tuesday, March 6, 2012, In : Sarah Palin 
Courtesy of Breitbart TV

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SarahPac Video: Game Change We Can Believe In

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, March 2, 2012, In : SarahPac 
Latest video from SarahPac

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SarahPac: Here they go again...

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, February 18, 2012, In : SarahPac 
From SarahPac:

"I haven't seen HBO's latest effort at manipulating history. However, based upon the description and reports from people who have viewed the film Game Change, HBO has distorted, twisted and invented facts to create a false narrative and attract viewers. They call it a docu-drama, there is little "docu" in it. HBO must add a disclaimer that this movie is fiction." -Tim Crawford, Treasurer SarahPAC
Pay channel HBO has produced another docudrama based on the political are...

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