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Showing Tag: ""energy policy"" (Show all posts)

Sarah Palin: Dear America, Our Orwellian President Fails on Energy

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, April 18, 2012, In : Sarah Palin 
Governor Palin posted this on her Facebook page April 17:
Last Friday, former energy trader and now Fox News host Eric Bolling and I hosted a Fox special called “Paying at the Pump,” which offered President Obama solutions to reduce prices at the pump and get our country on the path to real energy security.

A genuine “all of the above” approach to energy independence is, of course, a multifaceted plan. It includes conservation and sensible private sector investment in sound al...

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Sarah Palin: Obama’s Anti-American Energy Policies Invite the Next Crisis

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, February 25, 2012, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
President Obama doesn’t have an energy plan. He has an energy speech that he continues to give regardless of the facts or his obvious failures. He likes to take credit for actions initiated by the last administration (without telling you that he’s reversed or stymied many of those successes).

We should not be surprised by his detached attitude about America’s pain at the pump. He’s not interested in lowering the price of gas because exorbitan...

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