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Sarah Palin: Conquering the Storm

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, August 8, 2011, In : Economics 
From Governor Palin's Facebook page:
In the coming days we’ll sort through the repercussions of S&P’s downgrade of our credit rating, including concerns about the impact a potential interest rate increase would have on our ability to service our suffocating $14.5 trillion debt.

I’m surprised that so many people seem surprised by S&P’s decision. Weren’t people paying attention over the last year or so when we were getting warning after warning from various credit rating a...

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Sarah Palin: Congressional Freshmen – For Such A Time As This

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, July 28, 2011, In : debt limit 
From Governor Palin's Facebook page
Out here in proverbial politico flyover country, we little folk are watching the debt ceiling debate with great interest and concern. Today I re-read the open letter I wrote to Republican Freshman Members of Congress in November 2010, just days after they were ushered into office in an historic landslide victory due in large part to the activism of commonsense patriots who are considered part of the Tea Party movement. I respectfully ask these G...

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Governor Palin On The Record And Follow The Money Interviews July 25, 2011

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, July 27, 2011, In : Sarah Palin 

videos courtesy of Right Scoop

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Speaker Boehner Does Not Cave

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, July 23, 2011, In : debt limit 
      Good news!  Speaker Boehner has stopped trying to negotiate directly with President Obama on a debt limit deal.  The bad news is that Boehner will now try to work out a deal with the Senate that just voted to table Cut, Cap and Balance.  The democrats in the Senate stand with Obama and even now want Boehner and the GOP to cave on tax increases.  Democrats refuse to see that our problem is spending and not taxes.  They believe that all money belongs to Washington D.C. and it is they who ...
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Lame Duck President

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, July 23, 2011, In : debt limit 

Latest from Governor Palin:

After listening to the President’s press conference today, let’s keep in mind the following:


This is the same president who proposed an absurdly irresponsible budget that would increase our debt by trillions of dollars, and whose party failed to even put forward a budget in over 800 days! This is the same president who is pushing our country to the brink because of his reckless spending on things like the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus” boondoggle. T...

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Governor Palin's July 13, 2011 Hannity interview

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, July 14, 2011, In : Sarah Palin 

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Obama Brings Out The Fear Card Again

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, July 13, 2011, In : debt limit 
     Things have been going well in the negotiations on the debt ceiling so far.  Speaker Boehner is still saying he will not cave on tax increases despite the dire rhetoric of the democrats.  In his desperation, President Obama has now once a again dragged out the democrat scare tactics and is threatening to hold social security, military personnel and others hostage over the debt ceiling just as he did when they were negotiating the 2011 budget.  Senator McConnell has now floated a plan...
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Sarah Palin: The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out of Sugar; Now We Need New Leaders

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, July 10, 2011, In : Sarah Palin 
Sarah Palin via Facebook:
Barack Obama’s big government policies continue to fail. He should put a link to the national debt clock on his BlackBerry. The gears on that clock have nearly exploded during his administration. Yesterday’s terrible job numbers should not be a surprise because it all goes back to our debt. Our dangerously unsustainable debt is wiping out our jobs, crippling our economic growth, and jeopardizing our position in the global economy as the leader of the ...

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