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Showing Tag: ""alabama primary"" (Show all posts)

Alabama And Mississippi Primaries, Hawaii Caucus On March 13

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, March 8, 2012, In : Elections 
On March 13, Alabama and Mississippi will hold Presidential and statewide primaries while Hawaii will hold a caucus.  Please be sure to participate so that we can replace as many RINOs with conservatives as possible.  See the information below for each state.

Mississippi election calendar

Mississippi elections

Mississippi sample ballot

Alabama elections

Alabama election dates

Alabama voter guide

Alabama offices up for election

Alabama sample ballots

Hawaii caucus

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Voter Registration Deadline For Alabama Primary

Posted by Kal Vernon on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, In : Elections 
     The Alabama primary to decide who the republican nominee should be for President will be on March 13.  Other candidates running for Alabama state offices will also be on the ballot.  Alabama residents who are not registered to vote must do this before March 2 in order to vote in this primary. 

Alabama Election Dates

Alabama Voter Registration

Offices up for Election in 2012

Alabama primary sample ballots

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