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Showing Tag: ""1 million vet march" "sarah palin"" (Show all posts)

Palin, Cruz, and Lee at the WWII Memorial protest (10-13-13)

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 

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Sarah Palin: Proud To Stand With Thousand's Of Vets

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

We were proud to stand with thousands of America's vets and other patriotic Americans today in Washington, D.C. This morning, Todd and I met with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and they joined us and other Americans at the World War II Memorial and then at the Lincoln Memorial, where we were met by a SWAT team in full riot gear! Watching those who have fought to protect freedom prevented by barricades from visiting these memorials to freedom was tr...

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