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Showing Tag: " "special election"" (Show all posts)

Special Elections in New York and Mississippi

Posted by Kal Vernon on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, In : Elections 

Well it's time to get back in the swing of things as the 2016 election begins to heat up.  May will feature two special elections to replace members of Congress.

In New York district 11 (see map of district here) a special election will be held of May 5.  This is to replace Congressman Michael Grimm who resigned in January of 2015.  The republican candidate is Dan Donovan.

Mississippi district 1 (see map of district here) will hold a special election on May 12 to replace Congressman Alan Nunnel...
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Sarah Palin: Here’s something you can do to help elect Steve Lonegan

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, October 14, 2013, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
Here’s something you can do to help elect Steve Lonegan to the U.S. Senate this Wednesday. Make five phone calls to any New Jersey voters you know. It doesn’t matter if they’re Democrats or Republicans or no party at all. Call them and tell them to vote for Steve Lonegan this Wednesday. Then ask them to call five people THEY know. Spread the word! Don’t just stop at five people. Call even more if you can.

Please be sure to get to the polls ...

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Sarah Palin: Momentum Is On Steve Lonegan's Side

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

The momentum is on Steve Lonegan’s side coming into next Wednesday’s election in New Jersey! Please visit Steve’s website to find ways to help out. It was such an honor to rally for Steve yesterday in NJ. Thank you again to everyone who came to join us – including “The Great One” Mark Levin and Tea Party Express.

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Speeches From Steve Lonegan For Senate Rally October 12, 2013

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Economics 

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Vote In The Louisiana District 5 Special Election

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, October 12, 2013, In : Elections 
   The Louisiana special election for congressional district number 5 is coming up on October 19.  If you live in this district, please be sure to get out and vote.  When choosing which candidate to vote for, remember that this is an open primary in which the two top candidates, regardless of party, will advance to the general election in November.  Please cast your vote in order to insure that the best conservative candidate advances to the general election.  See the links below for mor...
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Vote For Steve Lonegan On October 16

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, In : Elections 
  The special election to replace the late Senator Lautenberg will be held on October 16Steve Lonegan is the conservative republican in this race.  If you live in New Jersey please get out and vote for him.  This is a blue state, but don't just assume that a conservative has no chance there.  Lonegan may lose, but at least he will have tried.  See the links below for more information

Steve Lonegan website

October 16 special election calendar

New Jersey voting information...
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Sarah Palin Endorses Steve Lonegan For Senate In New Jersey

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, October 3, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

On October 16, New Jersey has the choice of two mayors to send to the U.S. Senate. Only one of these mayors has embraced and governed by the values of New Jersey’s state motto – “Liberty and Prosperity.” During one mayor’s tenure his town’s unemployment nearly doubled, taxes skyrocketed, and violent crime increased; but in fairness, Newark Mayor Cory Booker may not have noticed these facts between his constant tweeting and trips to Holly...

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Voter Registration Deadline Louisiana Congressional District 5 Special Election

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, In : Elections 
Rodney Alexander who represents the 5th congressional district in Louisiana is resigning.  To select his replacement, there will be a special election primary on October 19.  If you wish to vote in this primary and need to register, the voter registration deadline in September 18.  Please visit the links below for more information.  I have also added links to my website

Louisiana election information

Louisiana voter registration

Louisiana election calendar

Map of Louisiana 5th cong...
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Special Elections for New Jersey Senate and Alabama Congressional District 1

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, August 1, 2013, In : Elections 
     This fall there are special election primaries coming up in New Jersey and Alabama.  The New Jersey primary will be held on August 13 to nominate candidates to the U.S. Senate to replace the late Senator Frank Lautenberg.  Alabama's first congressional district will have a primary on September 24 to replace Representative Jo Bonner who is resigning.  I have created a page on my website with information on these special elections.  If you live in New Jersey or Alabama district one, p...
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