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Showing Tag: " "sarah palin"" (Show all posts)

Sarah Palin: Are you ready to send our Congressional patriots their needed reinforcements

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

“We the People” – are you ready to send our Congressional patriots their needed reinforcements? Here’s how we do it!

As I said in my speech last week in Washington, D.C., America needs bold Constitutional conservative leaders who will fight for us with intelligence and integrity to restore our exceptional nation and preserve the blessings of liberty and prosperity. Time is short. I’m convinced it’s now or never to save our free republic.

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Sarah Palin: We're kind of “going rogue” once again

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, November 11, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
We're kind of “going rogue” once again back where much of an amazing adventure began. We know that a fun and worthwhile tour would not be complete without a stop in the great state of Michigan -- despite what the "experts" in political circles might say! I look forward to being back in Grand Rapids this Wednesday and hope to see you there so I can wish you an early Merry Christmas!

 Photo: We're kind of “going rogue” once again back where much of an amazing adventure began. We know that a fun and worthwhile tour would not be complete without a stop in the great state of Michigan -- despite what the "experts" in political circles might say! I look forward to being back in Grand Rapids this Wednesday and hope to see you there so I can wish you an early Merry Christmas!
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Sarah Palin: It Will Be Great To Be Back in Buckeye State

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, November 11, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
It will be great to be back in the Buckeye State on Wednesday! I look forward to visiting with friends old and new as we kick off a new week on the road.

 Photo: It will be great to be back in the Buckeye State on Wednesday! I look forward to visiting with friends old and new as we kick off a new week on the road. #GoodTidingsAndGreatJoy
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Sarah Palin: Jesus Banned From Gravestones?

Posted by Kal Vernon on Saturday, October 19, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

Jesus Banned From Gravestones?

Outrageous development...*sigh*… c'mon, Colorado, you deserve much better! A public cemetery there refused to allow a grieving family to engrave on their mother's grave the name "Jesus" and the Jesus fish symbol. Bureaucrats said it would offend people!

Reports like this should shock us all. Heading towards Thanksgiving, I'm trying to imagine what the Pilgrims would think of this if they had known that a few centuri...

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Sarah Palin: When life gives you lemons, at this point make margaritas

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, October 16, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

When life gives you lemons, at this point make margaritas. Caving on debt could drive one to drink.

This photo of my son and nephew ran in our local newspaper about 15 years ago. I’m betting dollars to doughnuts our president skipped this universal childhood lesson in Economics 101, and perhaps that explains his problem understanding the tragedy to befall us as America drowns in debt. Running a lemonade stand teaches you to progress by the sweat of...

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Sarah Palin: Here’s something you can do to help elect Steve Lonegan

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, October 14, 2013, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:
Here’s something you can do to help elect Steve Lonegan to the U.S. Senate this Wednesday. Make five phone calls to any New Jersey voters you know. It doesn’t matter if they’re Democrats or Republicans or no party at all. Call them and tell them to vote for Steve Lonegan this Wednesday. Then ask them to call five people THEY know. Spread the word! Don’t just stop at five people. Call even more if you can.

Please be sure to get to the polls ...

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Palin, Cruz, and Lee at the WWII Memorial protest (10-13-13)

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 

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Sarah Palin: Momentum Is On Steve Lonegan's Side

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

The momentum is on Steve Lonegan’s side coming into next Wednesday’s election in New Jersey! Please visit Steve’s website to find ways to help out. It was such an honor to rally for Steve yesterday in NJ. Thank you again to everyone who came to join us – including “The Great One” Mark Levin and Tea Party Express.

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Sarah Palin: Proud To Stand With Thousand's Of Vets

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

We were proud to stand with thousands of America's vets and other patriotic Americans today in Washington, D.C. This morning, Todd and I met with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and they joined us and other Americans at the World War II Memorial and then at the Lincoln Memorial, where we were met by a SWAT team in full riot gear! Watching those who have fought to protect freedom prevented by barricades from visiting these memorials to freedom was tr...

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Speeches From Steve Lonegan For Senate Rally October 12, 2013

Posted by Kal Vernon on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Economics 

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Sarah Palin And Mark Levin To Speak At Steve Lonegan Rally

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, October 10, 2013, In : Elections 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

Looking forward to joining the "Great One" Mark Levin and the Tea Party Express in NJ this Saturday at a rally for Steve Lonegan.

It's this Saturday, 4-6 PM, at New Egypt Speedway, 720 County Road 539, New Egypt, NJ 08533.

Please come and join us!

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Gov. Sarah Palin joins 'Your World with Neil Cavuto' 9-24-2013

Posted by Kal Vernon on Tuesday, September 24, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 

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Sarah Palin: Every Day Is Constitution Day

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

In honor of Constitution Day, I'm rereading the great document, and I encourage everyone to do the same and to visit the National Archives to view our founding documents as I did in this photo.

Photo: In honor of Constitution Day, I'm rereading the great document, and I encourage everyone to do the same and to visit the National Archives to view our founding documents as I did in this photo.

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Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, August 14, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
The National Coalition in Support of Sarah Palin, a group on Facebook has started a petition to encourage Sarah Palin to run for President in 2016 -

For the 2016 presidential election, it does make a difference who we send to Washington to clean up our big, out-of-control government. Governor Sarah Palin is a proven reformer with a track record of fighting corruption and balancing the budget. She is a fierce defender of the Second Amendment and a faithful adherent to the Constitution. Pl...

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AFTERBURNER with BILL WHITTLE: Sarah Palin was Right

Posted by Kal Vernon on Friday, August 2, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 

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Sarah Palin: President Obama Is A LIAR ON ENERGY

Posted by Kal Vernon on Thursday, August 1, 2013, In : Sarah Palin 
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:


President Obama’s claim that the Keystone pipeline would create “maybe 2,000 jobs” during its construction is such a blatant lie that even his friends at Politifact were forced to rate it false. The Alaska pipeline is a good example of the boom created by construction of a pipeline – a job boom that continues to this day with thousands of workers on the North Slope. During its construction and pre-construction phase, the Alye...

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Governor Palin Will Keynote Iowa Restoring America Rally September 3

Posted by Kal Vernon on Wednesday, July 27, 2011, In : Sarah Palin 
     Scott Conroy has reported that Governor Palin will be the keynote speaker at the Restoring America Event in Iowa on September 3.  This is an event of the Tea Party of America.  Attendance is free.  See this announcement page for more information on parking, food and other details.

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Governor Palin At National Mall

Posted by Kal Vernon on Monday, May 30, 2011, In : SarahPac 
     Yesterday afternoon Governor Palin visited the National Mall and she posted some comments about her trip.  Today they visited the National Archives and here are some photos.
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