Latest SarahPac email:


Before they left for vacation last week, Congress made sure their taxpayer-funded health care plans won't be affected by Obamacare. You see, despite forcing the rest of us into Obamacare, they made sure they won't have to suffer under it like We the People. Their health care premiums are safe, but ours will soon be rising through the roof.

This shameless power play by our ruling class in D.C. is precisely why our work isn't done. The status quo has got to go. We've got to take them on election cycle after election cycle until we break up their corruption and crony capitalism and restore our great nation.

But let's stop for a moment to appreciate how far we have already come.

I want to thank all of you who have donated your time, hard-earned money, and efforts to support SarahPAC. We have accomplished an incredible amount together over the last two election cycles, and we somehow did it without the help of the "wise" sages from Washington's permanent political class. In fact, we bucked them every step of the way and achieved incredible tangible results.

Your support has given us a platform to articulate a commonsense conservative message to counter those who only go along to get along with an invasive and corrupt big government. And most important, your donations have allowed us to highlight, support, and elect great conservatives who are leading the charge daily to save our country.

Together, we've achieved many victories, and I look forward to even more in next year's elections, as we will continue to hold both parties accountable.

Here's a reminder of what we accomplished together in 2010 and what we will do together in 2014.

Thank you again for your continued support, and don't let the critics or the media get you down when they try to intimidate you. They wouldn't be making such a fuss about SarahPAC supporters if they weren't aware of how much you have accomplished and how important your support is to changing D.C.

Just remember – if we weren't making great strides in breaking up their mighty establishment, they wouldn’t waste time attacking us.

With an Alaskan heart,

Sarah Palin

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