From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

#MSSEN Update: Chris McDaniel has run a great race, and tonight's unbelievably tight numbers send Chris into the run-off that will help determine our nation's future – so thank you, Mississippi! The Magnolia State now has more time to consider the significant issues facing us and to really reflect on why it is imperative our republic be defended with conservative leadership. The U.S. Senate needs this constitutional conservative!

Chris McDaniel is a proven, intelligent, conscientious, very bold fighter who brings new energy and perspective to economic and security challenges. Chris has the will and ability to advance positive reform in Washington. He’s the reinforcement we've promised real leaders including Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz.

It was with gratefulness I got to meet many Jones County voters last week who came out so strong for Chris tonight. Thank you, McDaniel supporters, staff, and family, for your successful efforts today! Please stay engaged with laser-like focus on Chris’ positive message and agenda that propels Mississippi and helps save America.

Tonight is a victory for grassroots conservatives who came together and shocked the political world. Together, mighty Mississippians can send this son of Mississippi to fight for all of us.

- Sarah Palin