From Sarah Palin's Facebook page:

Had a great time today in the lovely Magnolia State rallying to elect Chris McDaniel to the U.S. Senate. It was wonderful meeting Chris’ beautiful family – and a special thank you to Chris’ son Cambridge for the gorgeous magnolia (see the photo of it below)!

This Mississippi senate race is a clear case of We the People vs. the permanent political class in D.C. Many fellow conservatives like my friend Mark Levin have endorsed Chris because this is a crucial race for conservatives who know "the status quo has got to go" if we're to get America on the right track. Chris is running for the right reasons with a positive conservative reform agenda to solve the problems facing our country. His priorities for government's role in our lives are right on! Chris KNOWS we have to fight to put government back on our side, and he's willing to fight for America as Mississippi's new U.S. Senator!

The Mississippi primary is June 3rd, and the good people of the Magnolia State have the opportunity to remind America that we can and will restore our exceptional nation by electing conservative reformers like Chris McDaniel!

You can read more about Chris and support his campaign

- Sarah Palin