From SarahPac

Good morning from Springfield, Illinois!

We had another great day yesterday traveling through the Midwest. We stopped to walk in the footsteps of Ronald Wilson Reagan at his alma mater Eureka College, enjoyed fried chicken at a local restaurant that “Dutch” frequented, and crossed on a few dirt roads following field after field of corn and soybeans.

Our country is an extraordinarily beautiful place.  But the people here are everything.  As Reagan said, “The most valuable lesson I learned at Eureka is that every individual makes a difference.” Individuals can make a difference. We have to.

The gritty, humble strength of America’s heartland is on display in the places we’ve visited the last few days, where individuals work together to pull resource and bounty from our land. We’ve met so many great people who are committed to their community and united by strong values and love of country.

Thank you Eureka, Dixon, and all the places we stopped at yesterday.  This trip continues to inspire at every turn.

- Sarah Palin

P.S.  Congratulations to all those who participated in Ames yesterday.