With the election over and President Obama re-elected feelings of fear and disappointment are running high.  There have been many articles in the conservative media analyzing the reasons for the debacle on November 6 and I see no reason to continue down that path.  The Left and the GOP Establishment are now planning their next moves in order to achieve their goals and we in the conservative movement must do the same.  For this reason I have listed some items below that we need to focus on.  Keep your heads up and let's get to work.

1.  Stopping Obamacare - Obamacare remains the law, but the states can refuse to implement it. See the links below for more information on this and encourage your governor to stand with us.

Obamacare Is Still Vulnerable

Why governors should not implement state insurance exchanges under Obamacare


2. The Lame Duck session of Congress - There are many issues coming up during the lame duck session. Everyone is hearing about the "fiscal cliff" and we must make sure that the Republicans do not cave in and give President Obama what he wants. We also need to contact our Senators so they stay strong in opposition to treaties favored by the White House.  See the links below for more information.

The Threats of a Lame Duck Congress

Senate Conservatives Gather Enough Votes to Block Lame Duck Treaties

Lame Duck Congress


 3. Jeff Landry for Congress - Jeff Landry is running for re-election in Louisiana's third congressional district.  Landry has been endorsed by a number of conservative and tea party organizations and needs our help. 

The election is on December 8, 2012.  

Early voting is from November 24 - December 1, 2012

Jeff Landry campaign website


4. 2013 elections - There are elections in a number of states in 2013.  The most critical of these in my opinion will be the state and local elections in Virginia. We must do everything possible to get conservatives into as many offices as possible at all levels of the government in Virginia.  Now is the time to begin supporting conservative candidates and getting people registered to vote, including teens as they become eligible. 

Virginia voter registration