Tea Party Conservative Sites 

Below are some sites dedicated to tea partiers and conservatives in general.


Founding Documents

U.S. Constitution

Declaration Of Independence

The Federalist Papers


Constituting America - started by actress and Palin supporter Janine Turner to promote the importance of the Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees

Contact Congress

Congress Merge - find and contact a member of Congress

Republicans on Twitter

Democrats on Twitter

Conservative PACs


Constitutional Conservatives Fund

Senate Conservatives Fund


Tea Party/Conservative Groups


Heritage Action for America Grassroots Activists

Landmark Legal Foundation

Dogcatcher Project - Site to encourage conservatives to run against blue dog democrats

NAACPC - national association for the advancement of conservative people of all colors

Defundit.org - organization dedicated to limited government and defunding Obamacare


Americans For Prosperity - committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates

American Majority - non-partisan institute to train and equip leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market

Liberty.com - To keep the right honest, the press nervous and the left unpopular and out of power.

- 527  organization dedicated to holding Congress members to ideals of the Founders

National Black Republican Association

Tea Party Patriots - lists tea party groups and events across the country

Patriot Action Network - social network site for conservatives

Secure The Border - group started by Governor Jan Brewer and Governor Palin supporting Arizona law against illegal immigration

Tea Party Express - tea party group promoting issues and candidates, this is their youtube channel

Campus Reform for conservative college students

Keep America Safe - Liz Cheney group providing information on national security issues

Freedom Federation - federation of faith-based and policy organizations and leaders committed to preserving freedom and promoting justice

ObamaCare Watch - track actions against Obamacare

Gun Owners of America - alternative to the NRA

Information Websites 

The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America And What We Can Do About It

Tea Party Review Magazine

Bill Whittle.net - site of conservative and former PJTV contributor

Reagan Foundation Youtube channel - video of speeches by and about President Ronald Reagan

MyGovCost.org - your personal government cost calculator

Center for Freedom and Prosperity - promoting economic prosperity by advocating competitive markets and limited government

National Debt Clock

RightNetwork - site for new conservative cable network

PJTV - online alternative to lamestream news media

Declaration Entertainment - group started to finance and produce movies as an alternative to Hollywood

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