Now that the Presidential election is gearing up I hear many on the republican side promoting the idea of A.B.O. - Anyone But Obama.  While the removal of President Obama from the Oval Office is a worthy goal, I don't believe this is a strategy for success.  The President poll numbers remain alarmingly high despite the passage of a largely unpopular health care reform law and persistently high unemployment.  It is true that historic precedent suggests that a President serving during a time with unemployment numbers this high most likely will not be re-elected, the outcome of this election is by no mean certain.  Not only will President Obama most likely have a large advantage in campaign funds, he will also have a national media on his side that long ago abandoned any pretense of objectivity.  The only way to overcome these two obstacles is with voter enthusiasm and A.B.O. will not get us to this point.  If the republican party nominates a candidate about whom the voters feel no enthusiasm Barack Obama may very well win in November of 2012 despite the state of the economy.  During the election of 1980, the incumbent, President Carter also was hampered by a bad economy.  Yet, he led Ronald Reagan in the polls until a few weeks before the election.  It was not until the last debate when Governor Reagan gave the people something and someone to vote for that Reagan went from trailing in the polls to a landslide victory.  Voting against Obama is not enough to win in 2012.  We need a candidate and ideas that we can vote for.